What If?
Like many new business ventures, Let America Know™ was born with the fateful words, “What if …” Our story starts with a plaintiff attorney and a marketing guy wondering, “What if we could give plaintiff attorneys and the profession a simple tool to counter the insidious U.S. Chamber “tort reform” propaganda campaign while staying top-of-mind with referral audience number one: clients, past-clients, other professionals, friends and family?” Oh, and make it affordable while you’re at it.
Stir in a tech wizard, prescient trial lawyer association leadership, and a few early adopters and voila – Let America Know was officially launched in 2009. LAKconnect was added in 2018 to help members leverage the content from every issue of You Should Know – the Let America Know e-newsletter – across all their social media networks.
Simple in concept, powerful in execution, Let America Know securely harnesses the networks of hundreds of trial attorneys nationwide by delivering a customized monthly e-newsletter and social media content that focuses on the health, safety and legal rights of all Americans
Behind the Curtain
Let America Know is independently owned by the aforementioned plaintiff attorney, marketing guy and tech wiz. Together our pioneering experience in marketing and communication for trial lawyers stretches back to Bates V. State Bar of Arizona, the 1977 decision that first upheld the right of lawyers to advertise! Over the years, several state trial lawyer associations and the American Association for Justice have partnered with Let America Know to help guide editorial planning and promote the program to their memberships.
Bottom Line
There are very few marketing tools for trial lawyers or outreach programs for the profession that don't require an exorbitant amount of money, a huge expenditure of time, or both. With Let America Know, we've created a way for everyone to benefit: trial lawyers, their associations, and most important, the American people.