How to Write Better Instagram Captions for Your Law Firm

Instagram may not stand out as the most obvious social media platform for attorneys. But when done right, Instagram is a great way to: This is especially true if your target audience is a predominantly younger crowd, since more than half of Instagram users are under 35. That said, even law firms that cater to an older clientele can benefit from an Instagram profile.

Because Instagram is such a visual platform, it can be tempting to overlook the importance of text. But the captions you choose for your Instagram posts will have a major impact on your outreach and engagement.

So what should you say? Here are some tips on how to write great Instagram captions for your law firm.

1. Keep It Short and Sweet

The text limit for an Instagram caption is 2,200 characters. However, viewers will only see the first 125 characters at a glance. If possible, keep your captions within that limit. Short and catchy usually wins the race.

And if 125 characters isn’t enough to say what you need to, make sure that your first like is interesting enough to grab users’ attention and get them to click “more.” Think of it like a teaser.

2. Provide Value

With any social media platform, it always pays to stick to the “give-to-get” principle. If you want to get anything out of your Instagram presence, you’ll need to start by giving.

Use your Instagram posts in general—and captions in particular—to provide value for your target audience. Share handy tips, quotes, or FAQs relevant to your target audience. That way, you’ll be establishing yourself as a go-to source of knowledge in your legal niche and demonstrating a willingness to help others.

Offering real value also makes it more likely that users will reshare the post with their circles, exposing fresh audiences to your brand.

3. Encourage Users to Engage With the Post

People love to share their opinions, thoughts, and experiences. Whenever you can, give them the opportunity to join in on the fun. Consider using the caption to ask a question or start a conversation.

Make your audience feel like their input is important.

There are plenty of strategies for starting a relationship with your audience. Get creative. Try new things and see what works!

4. Use Hashtags—Discerningly

Hashtags aren’t just for Twitter anymore. These days, Instagram is taking full advantage of this useful method for spreading content far and wide.

Keep an eye on popular trending hashtags that might be relevant to your content, then use them to join the public conversation and draw traffic to your post.

Be careful, though. Too many hashtags can clutter up a caption and look spammy. It may create the impression you’re starved for attention. Keep it simple and to-the-point.

And never include hashtags that aren’t relevant, even if they’re trending. If you attract a lot of people with no reason to be interested in your post, you’ll just end up annoying them and making them think you’re luring traffic through a lazy cheat.

5. Embrace the Casual

People don’t go on Instagram for stuffy, drawn-out, official-sounding lectures. This isn’t LinkedIn. In fact, this isn’t even Facebook.

Instagram is supposed to be fun, casual, and authentic. Use a “voice” in your captions that reflects this. Don’t be afraid to display a little cleverness and humor. Maybe throw in a pun, if you dare—and if your audience likes that sort of thing.

Don’t go too far, though. Instagram is ideal for humanizing your practice, but you don’t want to sacrifice any professionalism in the process. By taking it too far, you risk rubbing your audience the wrong way or giving an impression of immaturity.

Even on Instagram, there’s such a thing as too casual. Feel free to let loose a little, but stay true to your law firm’s brand voice.

You Can Use Your Instagram Captions to Amplify Your Brand

And there you have it! Armed with these tips, you can foster better engagement and make your Instagram posts shine.

Of course, getting the most out of an Instagram account takes time, energy, and patience. As a busy professional, you probably already have your hands full managing your practice and taking care of clients.

If you’d rather let someone else handle the hassles of running your social media accounts, we can help.

At Let America Know, we give trial attorneys across the nation the expert support they need to optimize their social media and email campaigns. Just contact us, and we’ll help you take your online marketing strategies to the next level.

Click here to learn more about our done-for-you social media program for trial attorneys.

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