Social Media Do’s and Don’ts for Attorneys


Social media marketing is a golden opportunity for any attorney to promote their law firm. But to get the most out of your efforts, know that there are a few unwritten rules for social media etiquette.

To help you get started on the right foot, here’s our list of social media do’s and don’ts for attorneys.

DO Choose the Right Platforms

There are a lot of social media platforms out there, from Facebook to Twitter to Instagram and many more. But that doesn’t mean you need to be in them all. Pick two or three of the best platforms for attorneys and start there. That way, you can give each channel the attention it deserves.

DON’T Bore Your Audience

If you want to connect with prospects on social media, you’ll have to share content that they find valuable and interesting. Use your posts to educate and inform your target audience. This is the “give-to-get” principle so important to social media, and trust us: It will help you attract attention, demonstrate expertise, and build trust.

DO Keep Your Profiles Updated and Complete


Basic step one: Make sure that any details about your firm you include on social media are up to date, especially your contact information. You don’t want to miss out on leads because a phone number on your Facebook page was disconnected or because a prospect didn’t know you added a new office to serve their area.

Basic step two: Follow those incessant prompts from the platform that pushes you to complete your law firm or personal profile. In addition to contact information, include a compelling description of your firm, your practice areas, accomplishments, and whatever else sets you apart from everyone else in the market!

DON’T Be Too “Salesy”

It’s okay to post the latest and greatest about your firm, but you don’t want to overdo it. Stick to the 80/20 rule: 80% content that will benefit your audience, and 20% that promotes your accomplishments. (Hint: dial back the pictures of smashed cars and “Injured in a Car Accident?” headlines.)

DO Post Regularly

Posting regularly shows that you are invested in your online community and helps you stay top-of-mind with potential clients and referrers. Plus, active social profiles are more likely to appear in Google searches. (We recommend posting at least one to three times a week on each platform.)

DON’T Post Too Frequently

You can post too much, as well as too little. You risk annoying your audience if you share too much content too quickly (especially if it is all self-promotion). You may even lose followers or subscribers. To avoid this, set limits on how frequently you post. (Using a social media scheduling tool can help.)

DO Proofread Your Posts


Your social media profiles and posts will shape how the digital community perceives your firm — and nothing screams “unprofessional” like glaring typos. Be sure to double-check your content for missing words or spelling errors. Consider digital spell/grammar checkers like Grammarly, which automatically check your work while you type.

DON’T Plagiarize

Plagiarism is as unethical on social media as it is anywhere else. If you share specific third-party content, remember to credit the original source. And for heaven's sake, don’t use images that are copyright protected. Trust us: The owners will find you and send you a BIG bill.

DO Post Like a Human

Social media offers a golden opportunity for attorneys to humanize themselves. Don’t be afraid to get personal—post about staff birthdays, fun office traditions, and community events. Let your firm’s unique character shine through.

DON’T Give Explicit Legal Advice

We’re thinking you know this, but while providing general information about legal issues is just fine, offering specific legal advice to anyone on social media could mean ethical hot water. In some cases, it may be wise to include standard disclaimers on your profiles or in certain posts.

DO Engage with Other Users


Engaging with other users is a vital component of a successful social media presence. (It’s called social media for a reason.) Make a habit of regularly liking, resharing, and commenting on posts by others.

DON’T Post about an Ongoing Case

Again, you probably don’t need this advice, but be very careful about any post that might wander into client-attorney privilege. Even if a case is settled and public, we suggest steering clear of publishing identifying details about the parties involved unless you have the client’s written permission (or they have already posted a public review).

DO Use Visuals

Social media posts with visuals almost always outperform text-only content. Use images, graphics, and ESPECIALLY videos to attract attention and entertain your audience. (See above regarding copyright considerations.)

DON’T Expect Immediate Results


Social media marketing takes time. If you go in expecting overnight success, you’re likely to be disappointed. Instead, think of it as a long-term investment. By putting in a little time and effort now, you can achieve meaningful results later on.

Are You Ready to Grow Your Firm’s Brand Online?

Armed with these tips, you can start improving your law firm’s social media marketing strategies. However, running a digital marketing campaign takes plenty of patience and time. If you’d rather pass the headaches off to someone else, we can help.

At Let America Know, we give trial attorneys the support they need to take their social media campaigns to the next level. Just contact us, and we will design a custom social media marketing strategy that suits your needs. Then, we’ll manage the entire process — from post A to Z.

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