8 Ways to Boost Your Law Firm’s Social Media Engagement


These days, more and more attorneys are taking advantage of the benefits of social media. When used correctly, social media is a great way to reach your target audience, demonstrate expertise, and attract fresh leads.

But in order for your social media pages to truly help your law firm, you have to build an audience. It won’t do any good if you’re shouting into the void.

Unfortunately, many attorneys sign up for social media ready to make connections and grow their brand, only to be met with crickets. No one engages with their content, and they don’t see any results. It’s no wonder so many lawyers give up on their social media campaigns.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way. If your social media profiles are a ghost town, there are steps you can take to breathe a little life back into them.

Here are some useful tips to keep in mind.

1. Limit Your Accounts


The internet is overflowing with great social media platforms for attorneys. It can be tempting to sign up for every new one that comes along. After all, why not market yourself through every available channel?

The problem is, when you’re trying to operate too many accounts at once, you’re probably not giving any of them enough attention. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to run a comprehensive outreach campaign on every platform. But by focusing your efforts on a more reasonable number of accounts, you can get more out of the select few you have.

Sometimes, less is more.

2. Spread Awareness

There’s a good chance more people would be interested in your social media profiles if they knew about them. You can spread awareness by including links for your social media profiles on your website, promotional materials, and Google My Business listing.

Word of mouth can be useful, too. Let your clients or fellow professionals know that you’re active on social media and show them how to find you. Because these people already have an existing relationship with you, it’s all the more likely that they’ll want to interact with your content.

3. Engage With Other Accounts


Don’t wait for your audience to find you. Go looking. Many social media platforms offer golden opportunities to grow your network.

For example, LinkedIn and Facebook groups are a great way to connect with your target audience, like-minded peers, and members of your local community.

With Twitter and Instagram, you can follow hashtags and trending terms relevant to your niche. Then, once you discover other users who you think might be interested in what you have to say, engage with their content. Like and comment on a few of their posts, or reshare their content.

That way, you’ll be putting yourself on their radar and giving them a reason to check out your profile. If they like what they see, they may become your next loyal follower or friend.

4. Provide Value


If you want people to engage with your content, you have to give them something they’ll care about. Start by figuring out what would be valuable to your target audience.

Ask yourself questions like:

  • Who am I trying to connect with?
  • How old do they tend to be?
  • What is their communication style?
  • What problems do they have that I can help solve?

Once you have a firm grasp of who you’re trying to talk to, put together some ideas for useful content they’ll appreciate. Then, they’ll be more likely to engage with your posts and reshare your content with their own circles.

This is also a good way to develop a strong brand voice.

5. Don’t Post Like a Robot

At Let America Know, we always see better newsletter email open rates with attorney-to-consumer emails than firm-to-consumer emails. That’s because people don’t want to talk to businesses. They want to talk to other people.

Always be careful to avoid sounding like a robot. Social media is ideal for humanizing your law firm, so don’t be afraid to keep things semi-casual. Make an effort to come across as a real person (or a team of real people), not just a cold, faceless marketing department.

This will build trust and make users feel more comfortable about reaching out to you or interacting with your content.

6. Optimize Posts for Each Platform

There are general rules that apply to all social media, but every platform has its own unique character. By learning the specific strengths and weaknesses of each, you can optimize your posts to make the biggest impact.

For example, LinkedIn is designed for professionals to communicate primarily through text, while Instagram is much more casual and revolves around visuals. Content that would succeed on one may fall flat on the other.

So steer clear of a cookie-cutter approach. Do a little digging to find out what works best on the platforms you’ve chosen, and make every post count.

7. Plan the Right Schedule


When it comes to social media engagement, when you post can be just as important as what you post. Different platforms have varying “hotspots,” or times when users are more likely to be active. If you plan your strategy right, you can get your content in front of more eyes.

You can even schedule posts so that they’ll be ready to go when the time is right.

Post during different parts of the day, and see if any specific times get better engagement. Then, play around until you find the sweet spots.

8. Use Visuals


No matter how important what you have to say is, it won’t matter if no one sees it. You have to catch their attention—and nothing does that better than visuals.

Several studies have found that visual content gets more engagement. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Social media posts that include images receive 650% more engagement than text-only posts
  • Approximately 65% of people are primarily visual learners
  • Visual content is 40 times more likely to be shared across social media

So be sure to integrate photos, graphics, and videos into your content strategy as often as possible.

Attract More Engagement for Your Law Firm’s Social Media

A strong social media presence means cultivating an active audience. Armed with these tips, you should be able to drive engagement and get better results from your law firm’s social media profiles.

And whatever you do, don’t give up! Running a comprehensive social media campaign requires time, effort, and patience. But if you can stay the course, the benefits will more than make up for the hassle.

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