How to Involve Your Whole Law Firm in Social Media Marketing

Social media is an essential marketing tool for every attorney. By building a strong social media presence, law firms can raise brand awareness and attract more leads. When a firm does social media right, everyone wins.

However, for most firms, digital marketing is anything but a team effort. Often, only one attorney takes social media seriously enough to invest their time into it—and the rest of the firm is happy to let them.

But two heads are always better than one. The more collaboration is involved in digital marketing, the more results you can expect to see. Besides, if the whole firm is profiting from your social media presence, it only makes sense that everyone pitches in.

Here’s how to encourage a social media culture at your firm and get the whole team involved.

1. Prioritize Social Media at Your Firm

Many attorneys neglect social media because they don’t see it as necessary. You can help by explaining why social media matters for attorneys. There are plenty of statistics to back this up. For example:

  • 96% of people who need legal advice search for it on Google
  • 74% of people who search for legal help online end up calling an attorney
  • 87% of people who contact an attorney go on to hire an attorney

As you can see, the internet is a goldmine for reaching prospects. Social media is a powerful tool for capturing these leads. Social media will also help attorneys:

  • Humanize themselves
  • Expand their professional network
  • Demonstrate their expertise
  • Build trust with their target audience

Take the time to show your team how social media can benefit them all, and you’re bound to see a boost in engagement.

2. Offer Direction

Just because someone is a skilled legal professional doesn’t make them a digital marketing whiz. Plenty of talented attorneys don’t get social media at all. By offering guidance on how social media works, you can make it easier for them to contribute. Even something as simple as sharing how-to guides or tutorials with your team can make a big difference.

3. Brainstorm Together

Even if everyone at your firm is contributing to your social media strategy, you still won’t reach your potential if everyone is working in isolation. Arrange a brainstorming session where the whole team can discuss ideas together. Bouncing ideas off of each other is always a shortcut to inspiration.

For example, someone might have a valuable topic in mind that the rest of your team can flesh out. That topic could become the basis for a video or a series of articles that can be shared around the internet.

If this approach takes off, you can schedule regular meetings for everyone to share their thoughts and feed your content marketing strategy. You might be surprised how many great ideas pop up when a group of attorneys starts discussing the topics they’re most passionate about.

4. Share the Results

Once you put the right focus on social media marketing, you should eventually see results. (If not, you’ll want to diagnose and fix the problem ASAP.) Assuming you are seeing results, create a brief report of your progress and share it with your team. Show them how their input is fueling growth for the whole firm, and encourage them to keep up the good work. A little recognition goes a long way.

5. Get Creative with Incentives

While the knowledge that the firm is growing through digital marketing can be a motivator on its own, it never hurts to sweeten the deal even more. You can show your appreciation for your colleagues’ hard work by offering rewards when the firm hits its milestones. This might mean:

  • Hosting an office party to celebrate
  • Giving out gifts, such as a bottle of wine or a gift card
  • Taking the team out for a nice meal

…or anything else that you think might drive home your appreciation. Get creative! No one will complain about another incentive to go the extra mile.

You Don’t Have to Do It Alone…

By using these tips, you can make social media marketing a priority at your firm. However, maintaining an effective social media campaign takes time and effort—and as a busy professional, your plate is probably full enough already.

That’s where we come in. If you’d like to pass the headaches to someone else, we’ll be happy to take over.

At Let America Know, we give trial attorneys the support they need to grow their firms through social media and email marketing. Just contact us, and we will design a custom social media marketing strategy that suits your needs. Once we have a strategy in place, we’ll manage the entire process ourselves—from start to finish.

Learn more about our done-for-you social media program for lawyers like you.

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